Trade School Could Be The Right Way For You To Get Started As An Electrician

In order to work as an electrician, you usually have to pass a certification test and obtain a license. While requirements for certification vary in states and some cities, you generally need educational classes and on-the-job training to sit for the exams and to have the knowledge to pass them. A good way to get the electrical training you need is by attending an electrician trade school. Here's an overview of what you might expect from trade school.

Trade School Provides Classroom Learning

There's a lot to learn to become an electrician. You'll take classes on electrical theory, safety, technical math, and electrical codes. You learn how to calculate electrical loads and read blueprints. You may attend technical school for several months depending on state requirements. This training provides you with the knowledge you need to pass state licensing exams later on.

Trade School Offers Hands-On Skill Training

While most of your electrician training is as an apprentice with a licensed journeyman in the field, you'll still learn basic electrician skills in trade school. Knowing how to use tools and do basic skills prepares you for an apprenticeship program and makes you a more attractive choice when compared to a competing applicant with no previous training.

Trade Schools Can Help You Find An Apprenticeship

It can be difficult to obtain an apprenticeship to get started as an electrician if you don't have any connections. When you graduate from trade school, the school may help match you with an apprenticeship program. Some employers seek apprentices from trade schools since they know you will be trained properly and ready for the job.

Once you've graduated from trade school and are working as an apprentice, your electrician training is ongoing. You'll have to work and learn for the required number of years before you can become a licensed journeyman and work independently, and you'll acquire more and more knowledge along the way.

The learning doesn't even stop when you're licensed. Your state may require a certain number of continuing education credits to renew your license when it's due. That keeps you up to date with codes and new practices throughout your career as an electrician.

Trade school isn't the only electrician training that can get you started on your new career, but it's a good option. If you can find an apprenticeship that also provides the number of classroom hours you need, you might opt for that type of training instead. No matter how you do it, you'll need a certain number of classroom hours and on-the-job training hours to obtain your license, and getting licensed is your goal so you can work independently and make more money.
